
How To Set Up Multiple Wireless Microphones

In this article, we volition get you upwards and running with a wireless microphone system and likewise requite you some tips and tricks forth the way to become the best sound possible. Follow the sections below to get started.

  1. What is a wireless microphone system?
  2. Parts of a wireless system
    • Transmitter
    • Receiver
  3. Wireless microphone system setup
    • Install receiver and antenna
    • Pair transmitter and set the frequency
    • Prepare the levels

Before we start setting up the wireless system, let'south apace hash out what these systems are and how they work. A wireless system is substantially a miniature radio station that replaces either a microphone cable or an instrument cable. The transmitter sends radio frequency (RF) to a receiver, receiving the bespeak and and then sending the sound over to your mixer. Wireless systems are very common in places such as houses of worship, fettle centers, sporting events, and concerts because they give performers more freedom. They besides save time and infinite by eliminating the need to utilize and hook upwardly many cables.

Although wireless setups tin differ, all are comprised of the same components: transmitters and receivers. The terminology can be confusing, so let's describe the parts and what they do.

The transmitter converts audio (AF) from an input device, like a handheld or headset microphone, into radio frequency (RF), so sent to the receiver. If y'all are using a microphone or instrument connected to a belt pack with an external antenna, make sure that the antenna isn't wadded up or bent while wearing it. Not simply is this bad for the antenna, simply it severely impairs its manual.

The receiver is the box with antennas that you lot connect to your mixer. It receives the radio signal, changes it back into an audio signal, so sends it to the input of your mixing board using either an XLR or instrument cablevision.

Choosing and using batteries

Signal strength and operating range will drop as the transmitter (or, in the case of in-ear monitors, the receiver) batteries run depression, then changing them regularly volition significantly reduce performance issues. We highly recommend using brand-name alkaline batteries (either rechargeable or non-rechargeable), equally they are more reliable and provide longer life than generic batteries.

Parts of a basic wireless system.

Now that you know what a wireless system is and how it works let's talk about setting it up and using it. There are iii main steps involved in setup:

  • Install the receiver
  • Pair the transmitter and receiver
  • Fix the volume for the system

Install receiver and antenna

Installing the receiver and antenna should be the start step when setting up your wireless system. It'southward unremarkably user-friendly to keep the receiver close to the mixer, just the "right" location is wherever the transmitter will have a straight path to the receiver without any blockage from people, computers, racks of gear, or annihilation else. Follow these instructions to install your receiver and antenna.

  1. Place the receiver where the performer(s) volition take a consequent, direct line of sight to the receiver at least 10 feet abroad from wireless consumer devices such equally wireless computer routers and cell phones, as this will reduce dropouts and sound artifacts like static and feedback.
  2. Install the antenna, and point information technology toward the ceiling. If your receiver has more than one antenna, angle them to form a V shape.
  3. Connect the output of your receiver to an available input channel on your mixing lath, then power the receiver on.

Antenna and receiver placement tips

  • Make certain the antennas are pointed at the ceiling and non out toward the stage. An antenna's polar blueprint looks like a doughnut, and so if it is pointed straight out, very little radio frequency will reach the transmitter.
  • Make sure metallic objects, such as rack rails or metal cages, aren't blocking antenna(s), as this stops the radio waves from being sent out correctly.
Rear of a wireless receiver.

Brand certain the antenna is pointing in a 5-shape.

Pair transmitter and accommodate the frequency

Earlier y'all begin the pairing process, make sure the frequency range of your wireless system is uniform in your surface area. If yous aren't sure of the correct frequency range, use a wireless system frequency finder to verify compatibility.

Auto-browse: Some wireless microphone systems take an auto-scan feature. This volition browse all frequencies, groups, and channels to observe the best available frequency. To perform an automobile-scan, visit the possessor'southward transmission for instruction.

  1. The side by side step is to pair the transmitter and receiver. The pairing procedure is different for every wireless model, and so check the owner's transmission to acquire your system's pairing process. Here are the two most common ways wireless systems pair:
    • Group and Aqueduct will pair to the range of frequencies in that particular band.
    • Frequency is tied to the exact wireless frequency.
  2. Confirm that the transmitter and receiver have been paired past looking at your receiver's RF meter or LED. If the RF betoken meter or LED is flashing or depression, consider trying a unlike frequency.
  • When using more than than one wireless system, use unlike frequencies for each one. Multiple systems on the same frequency can cause distortion, dropouts, or multiple mics on the aforementioned channel every bit your mixer.
  • Check your frequencies earlier each functioning. Fifty-fifty if your organisation always stays the same, interference from radio and Television set stations can modify on a regular basis.

Coordinating Wireless Frequencies for Live Audio

Learn more well-nigh working with wireless frequencies for live sound.

The concluding step with your wireless setup is to ready the levels for the receiver, transmitter, and mixer. Unlike a wired setup, it'southward a 3-step procedure, and so follow these instructions to set your levels.

  1. Get-go by adjusting the transmitter and receiver level. Start with the levels all the manner downward for the transmitter, receiver, and channels on your mixer.
  2. Sing or play into your input device at the maximum functioning level with proper technique while slowly turning the transmitter and receiver level up. One time yous meet the AF meter reach the maximum level, plough information technology down until it no longer clips.
  3. Turn up the channel'south proceeds knob until the prune/overload/peak lite appears. One time the light appears, plow the proceeds knob downwardly until the clipping light no longer appears. Lastly, motion the channel's fader as needed.
    • Turn the transmitter volume downwards if you lot notice the receiver's AF (audio) meter prune and your signal sounds distorted.
    • If the transmitter is tranquility, double-check that both the transmitter and the receiver volumes are turned up, go through your gain staging, and change the batteries.

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